The pup in the town hall
Ayasha allowed herself to be led back to the town hall. She was heartbroken about her friend. Though she was happy that Ralla wasn't angry at her for coming outside. She was worried about Saphrina. She climbed up next to the adult and gently nuzzled her friend. This was a simple gesture that she hoped would work. She also gently stroked her back. She knew what it was like to not have any parents.

When Saphrina laid down on the cot, Ayasha curled around her protectively. When she heard her say that no one loved her, Ayasha whispered, "I care about you and love you." Though to her it was as if Saphrina was her younger sister. She had a thought. "Saphrina? If ya want I'll be your big sister and look for you and chase monsters away." She hoped that her friend would accept her offer.

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