I may be a stranger, but i'm just curious

Word Count→286 :: OOC

The waiting was getting longer, and Sankara's mood was flinchig with every minute. What if anybody came? That was when she heard some ruffling on the nearby bushes. Quickly, she lifted her gaze, and looked at the bushes in front of her. Her eyes began to shine with expectation. But her face almost fell when she saw who was making that ruffling sound. It was nothing close to the shadowy female that she was expecting. The newcomer male had a bright yellow-ish color. It stood out of snow's pure white. He had it's tail cut to half, a detail that surprised the female.

As the male approached to her spot, she changed to a kneeling position, lowering her shoulders a bit. The male's voice didn't sound threatening or extremely dominant, so Sankara deduced that he meant no harm. He introduced himself as a resident of the 'valley'...so this was the right pack then.

"N-nice to meet you Ty. Well, hummm, my name is Sankara, I'm a member of cercatory d' Arte...". With the introduction, the woman relaxed a bit more, in spite of the fact that she stuttered a bit. Her gaze avoided Ty's. "I doubt that you've ever seen me here, it's the first time that i ever get this far from my packlands.". She began to play with the straps of her bag. "A-and, i'm here to see Adonia...Demos. Do you know where can i find her?". Because of her lack of social skills, the woman was unable to keep talking. And how would she be able to speak to somebody that she didn't even know on another territory? Now she knew how did Adonia felt during their meeting at Cercatori's packlands.

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