[M] - Silence of a Soul

Generous? The golden male resisted the urge to shrug it away. Jaden was not the first creature to say such words, and the Dahlian willed there to be truth there. He would not become his father. A smile remained on pale lips, but it was hard for the male not to take action as he watched the male in pain. Why couldn’t they all live in peace? It was useless to think such thoughts, because it could never be. He couldn’t help dreaming though.

It could have been a mistake to risk his life for this man’s, but he was starting to get the impression that he had done the right thing after all. That was more than enough payment for Conor’s sake. ”If the gifts are mine to give, I don’t see why I shouldn't give them freely,” he replied, words genuine in nature. ”Perhaps I was a fool to interrupt such a scene I had no knowledge of, but I believe it was the right decision.” and that was all there was to it, really. ”I do not believe in violence,” he added, risking that the other would see him as weak for such words. However, this was who he was, and the pack wolf was not ashamed of this.

Lavender eyes travelled down along crimson lines again, and he grimaced slightly. ” Would you like me to brew some tea to ease your pain?” The male did not really expect a yes to the question, as Jaden seemed to wish to take care of things himself, but he felt that he had to ask nevertheless. Conor had all he needed in his bag, so it was only fair to offer.

Table by Alli

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