Where it all began
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ooc text!

Amaranth looked at all the rumble she couldn’t believe how destroyed firefly’s cabin was. She Walked through the rubble picking up a piece looking it over. ”It can’t be rebuilt, that’s so terrible. There’s just no way. “ She said as she looked at Niro and then her dad. So much cleaning was needed here.
Amaranth sighed as she looked around firefly was the one who helped her. Firefly was her first friend, it just sucked being here. ”Dad there is a wolf in the pack who built her own house right. Could we do that this spring do you think that we can build a house here?” She asked as she roamed around. She slowly began picking things up. ”How are we going to clean everything up? Where are we going to put everything.” She asked as she looked at her father. She just couldn’t figure out what they were going to do.


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