When was the last time you saw him?
agh sorry for fail post
WC: 222

Makhesthai awoke to a soft feminine sounding voice gracing his ears, he shook his head groggily, his one over-sized ear flapping against his head. The young pup looked around himself, momentarily forgetting where he was, a horror coming over him as he remembered waking up in his mother's den to the daily abuse and torture, but then his mind snapped into reality and he saw things that reminded him he was definitely not in his mother's den, small tidbits to his life.

He pulled himself to his paws, a small sigh leaving his orangey maw. He exited the den only to stop and stare, the female before him was very pretty, in different shades of coppery hues with an interesting necklace adorning her neck. His eyes caught the red of the Lykoi star upon her breast and he tilted his head to the side, the one ear cocking interestedly. The lykoi star echoed the red of her eyes that reminded him of blood and dieing sunsets over the mountains. He did nothing more that stare cautiously for several seconds before speaking,

"Hello? Are you looking for Moma Kae?" His blue eyes gazed up at her. From his perspective down on the floor, like Moma Kae she was very very tall, she looked very much like a saint or some other deity with a nimbus of light behind her, his tail wagged a little, he was always glad to meet new people.

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