I will resume [AW]

WC: 331 3 points

Jace was rooting through one of the destroyed cabins. So far she had not found anything of particular use and she sat back on her haunches, huffing gently. She had taken Jefferson's words to heart and was dedicating herself to the task of trying to salvage what she could. Her mismatched gaze surveyed the damaged and ruined cabin and she gave it up as a bad job, she turned to leave her paw coming down on a nail that was sticking out of a collapsed beam. She yelped and jumped backwards, holding her paw up to inspect the damage.

The wound was superficial and bled a little, she licked the paw before shifting into her optime form. She reached over with her non injured hand and grabbed her crutch made out of a wooden stick. In the distance she saw the remains of the ranch and felt a sorrow in her heart. It still looked magnificent and she was sure when it was still intact that it would have been extraordinary.

She decided to pay the ranch a visit, after all destroyed or not it was still part of her home and she should know every inch of it. It took her quite a long while to reach the ranch and when she finally did, she found it was not unoccupied like she had originally thought. She wagged her tail as she came into view of Ookami, she hoped her friend was well. As she got even closer she saw that Geneva was also in attendance, it was only then that she understood that the ranch must've been her home and the sadness she felt increased.

She stopped a few meters away from the Alpha's mate and fiddled with her fur hesitantly before speaking,

"Ma'am? Is there anything I can do to help?" Jace flattened her ears and looked at Geneva sadly, Jace did not know how she would deal with it had the ranch been her home and it been destroyed in a storm.


Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

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