When was the last time you saw him?

WC: 369 3 points

Maki watched as the expression on the female's changed for the worst. She was not happy with him here? Maybe Kaena was her mommy as well and she didn't want to share. Makhesthai didn't know and he wasn't about to voice these thoughts to the crimson eyed female, he did not know if she would turn violent like his biological mother often would do at the slighted provocation. He nodded his head accepting of what she told him, if she didn't want him to call Kaena moma then he would not in her presence, he was trying his best to get on with the tall femme and it reflected in his stance and attitude,

"Okay. Kaena says I am 'dopted? She names me Makhesthai Lykoi." The little pup nodded his head serenely. His few months spent with his mother had taught him that he was nothing special and that violence and pain were the norm, the idea that adults would treat pups specially was completely foreign to him, that Kaena played with him and taught him things was just because she was nice and a good person, although that did not mean that people who didn't play with him were not also nice but that they did not have the time, he adopted his voice to copy the grown up tone that Kae sometime projected, trying to make his voice sound less puppyish,

"Kaena said that she was going to find some food and that she would be back in a little while. She said that I was to stay here and tell anyone who came by that she would be back soon so they could wait for her if they had the time." He repeated what Kaena had told him before she had left. A flash of light caught his attention and his eyes were drawn to the Katana upon her person, it was very pretty and extremely deadly looking. He looked back at her face, noting the look on her face, maybe she didn't like puppies so little as he was but he shrugged mentally, he couldn't help his small size and scrawny look, although he had bulked out some since Kaena had found him at the edge of Inferni.

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