[M] - Silence of a Soul


”I am eternally grateful and I envy your sense.” Jaden told Conor, “If I shared your values, I may not have come so close to death at the hands of that beast.” Jaden said peering past Conor’s brownish fur at the dead Optime behind him. There was a twisted feeling in his gut that the monster might have somehow escaped the holds of mortal life and would rise again, but the body continued to lie still in the shallow snow.

Though Conor gave no place from which he drew his kind spirit, he gave instead a simple and honest answer. After a short pause, Jaden began to speak again, “I am in your debt, if ever you need my help for anything, seek me out. I will gladly repay you in any way I can.” After Jaden stated this, Conor continued to show hospitality by offering some tea to help ease his pain. The offer was tempting. It had been many months since Jaden had enjoyed the simple warmth of hot tea, but he again declined, “Pain strengthens the soul,” the dark Optime smiled, “but if you intend to help me further than you already have, I could use some information,” Jaden shifted his weight on his sore paws, “My friend, Vigilante, who’s counsel I seek, migrated her some time ago. It was because of problems in our pack that he left on bad relations.” Jaden lied well, “Because of the similarities between our situations, he might offer some help. The only problem is that I don’t know where in these pack lands Vigilante finally settled. Do you know of him…?”

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