[AW] Shattered Silence


Slade’s words were brave. They had lost their demeaning tone now, but they continued to be strong and brave. This coyote either does not fear death, Jaden thought to himself, Or he knows I am bluffing. All creatures fear death. Who would believe a dark stranger in the woods to be a liar when he held your life in his hands? No, Slade’s feelings about death were not influencing his judgment now. He was smarter than Jaden had anticipated. Slade knew his life was safe simply because he was part of a ruling pack, and Jaden was a loner. What his intellect did not count on is the safety of his body.

Jaden looked into Slade’s eyes for a few seconds after he spoke before lowering the dagger. He could no longer pretend Slade was a liar, so he got down to his real problem. He stood and turned his back to the coyote, toying with his dagger between his claws. “Why do you not fear me Slade?” He asked with a sigh, “You act like you have protection from me, like you are stronger. If I decided to plunge this dagger into your ugly fur, you would give in no resistance in the way of strength while your life fleeted under my grasp. You might manage to dodge it, but I have arrows that will travel further than you can run before they are armed.” Jaden crossed his arms, but continued to keep his back to Slade. “So, you must think I fear your pack. It is the only reason for your bravery, unless you think I am a genuinely good person who would not kill a coyote?” Jaden laughed and sighed again, “Who will come to save you? I smell no one in these woods besides you,” he said with a little disgust, “You must know something I don’t.”Jaden paused, then rubbed the fur on his chin “Tell you what, if you beg and wine like a pup, I might decide you are too pitiful to do any harm and let you leave her unscathed, Coyote.” He offered in a voice that suggested it was a smart choice.

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