Stocking Up
Sorry for failness of post ;_; WC: 219

She smiled at him, J'adore Austral? that was a name she hadn't heard before, she wondered if it was foreign although she did not ask it. She nodded, her eyes also following his to where the pile of newly chopped wood was stacked. She gasped as a cream stallion appeared seemingly out of nowhere, obviously the stallion loved its owner as it nuzzled J'adore.

She grinned hesitantly as the horse made to move towards her and she took a slight step backwards, she was kind of wary of the large animal,

"It's ok, curiosity is what drives us all. My name is Jace by the way, Jace Denahlii.". She watched the horse curiously as it moved away to nibble at the grass, she had never seen one so big before and so well cared for looking. Obviously J'adore was a good man from the way he kept his animals. She blinked in surprise as he asked for her help, of all the things she had expecting that was not one of them but she smiled anyway,

"Of course, I would be happy to help." She moved a little closer, for some reason his white eyes did not bother her, she was used to strange gazes, she saw it every time she looked into a reflective surface. "What do I have to do?"

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