A white light out of the black shadows
OOc: I'm averaging at only 200 words >_<

Leon laughed dryly, not so much at Amata's suggestion, but at his own inability to try and follow the suggestion. "If I could Amata, I would find a place that my 'heart' could call home... But the problem is, I simply don't have one anymore." He rasped, his throat feeling dry. Crouching, he lapped up some water, and focused his thoughts once more. "My heart has been... Absent from my recent adventures. And I don't look to it for answers anymore. There isn't any reason. I... I can't describe to you what losing your pack feels like. But nothing is ever the same. Inside or out. All I feel in my chest, is an aching hole." He pointed out, a grim smile on his face. "But maybe I'm just being dramatic... There is no place that has called to my heart so far. And if Phoenix is still here... Someone will must have seen him."

Leon looked at the female, considering her description of Crimson Dreams. "You must be happy there, considering your smile. Best how?" He asked, dropping his ice tone completely. "But what was with the sudden shudder?" He asked, amused slightly by her reaction. 'I'll find you Phoenix... Eventually.'

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