[J]Fallen Comfort and Snow Piles

And now so much more was revealed. It was interesting that he knew about sacrifices. It could mean so many things, and the male had to ponder if it was religious sacrifices the other spoke of. There was a multitude of religious beliefs around here, but Conor worshipped no god. Trained a wild stallion as well. Suddenly it was a very promising canine he had standing before him. But why would this young man have to hide from assassins? With every answer rose new questions, hungry to be satisfied. Oh well, this was not the time or place for it. Some would certainly think so, but not this leader. Not today. Saying nothing in response, the Soul man simply nodded.

But why was the other so nervous? It was bad enough to make the autumn hued man somewhat suspicious. ”Is there something wrong?” he wondered, lavender eyes narrowing slightly, casting shadows across the dark half circles under his weary eyes. While the Dahlian canine expressed superiority in his stance, he did not intent to come off as a possible hostile host.

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