Roll The Credits.

OOC here!

She sniffed and shifted edgily, not meeting his eyes,

"Oh... it's... nothing, I just fell...and hit my face on a rock." She knew that her voice held no convincing tone or anything but it was all she was going to offer. The fight was between her and Lucifer and she didn't want to start a feud between the packs because he was drunk and she too hasty with her knife.

Her tattered ear swiveled when he whined and she felt him move closer. She whined herself as he lifted her muzzle with his, the low keening sound catching in her throat as he licked away her tears. He smiled at her, but she could still see the sadness behind it, he had not wanted to be Luperci and she had made him one,

...But, I cannot help but think that maybe there was something I could have done differently. If I had stopped and thought. Used my brain instead of diving in blindly and messing it all up, things might have been different. You don't want this, I can see it in your face, I can't help but feel guilt for having forced this on you."


Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

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