Creeping slow, it's okay to be afraid.
He'd wanted to comfort her, instead he only upset her further. His ears flattened back in an unconscious gesture of apology and submission. "Wolves are not afraid to die...but sometimes we are afraid to live." His voice was soft, reassuring. Her gaze subtly reminded him of Kira's gaze, how it seemed to be looking at something that wasn't there except to her, how she seemed to hear something that wasn't speaking except to her. He watched as her eyes cleared, coming back to the present moment. He waited a moment than spoke. " hard to deal with. Liam...he had two sisters. They died along with their mother." It was the first time he'd said that aloud. Truth be told, it was easier to think of Kira as dead than alive and back in Catalyst. It was easier to think they all passed together than that Liadain died when Azza snapped her neck, Brighid died of exhaustion in her sleep, and Kira was alive and hating him.

"Sometimes we all feel it's easier to join our loved ones in death than continue living....." He gave a bitter half smile. If it weren't for Liam, he probably would have just let Azza kill him too. He felt so much guilt over the girl's deaths. It almost made him mad how easy it had been for Kira's oldest son to kill the pup. He'd always known there had been something wrong with the black eyed boy, but he'd never spoken to Kira about it simply because she believed Azza could do no wrong.

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