my sunshine

He seemed confused at her words, offering protection for some invisible fear. The whole declaration that he would 'stop them' made the maturing Luperci laugh; Caillen was a child, and she doubted his abilities in fending off anyone. It was a sweet gesture, however. "Dear prince, have you ever heard of the Lykois? Or the de le Poers, or the Massacres. I fear I've been keeping a secret from you," she explained, turning her gaze toward the west and toward her home farther down the mountainside. The coyote kingdom, where her father reigned king and she was lucky to be a princess. She knew better than to assume that she had gone forgotten. Ezekiel would have been worried, even if no one else noticed her disappearance.

The woman supposed it was time for the truth to assemble. "My name is Talitha Lykoi. I was born on Hell's Coast, across the mountains in the old territory of Inferni, to Gabriel de le Poer and the traitorous whore he had taken as his mate, Faolin Mogotsi. I'm the grandchild of Kaena Lykoi, and a sister to Ezekiel. I am...not a good person." Her words slipped out like oil from the hole-ridden tank of a car, tainting the air with truths of her allegiance to a world that shunned what Caillen clearly was. And there she was, playing nice, using him for food and warmth and companionship in the moment. Her mind twisted along corridors she didn't wish to approach, knowing somewhere that the wolfdog male who had been so kind was sure to toss her away with one easy sweep.

"I understand if you'd like me to go," she murmured, jaw setting and muscles tensing. She wasn't one to handle rejection with grace or poise like most might, but she couldn't find reason to hate the lone giant of a male. She had given him facts herself, after all. Distressed, she allowed her grasp on his arm to fall, putting more distance between them by stepping to the side. Without the help of Caillen, her body burned like she'd been set on fire, but she offered no complaint, waiting patiently for judgments she expected, or declarations she couldn't comprehend.


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