Creeping slow, it's okay to be afraid.
He hesitated for a long moment, trying to decide where to start. She was the first wolf ever to actually want to hear all of it, every word he spoke. Then he began speaking in a soft voice. "I had a younger sister...there was a mate to the pack's alpha who decided she was a threat, her and my mother, and mother sent Willow to live with Noah, and asked me to go and protect her. Along the way we got separated....I lost my little sister. Eventually both mother and father found their way to the land in Michigan. Each found a different niche to father, he forgot us as family. He nearly killed my brother Noah. And one day I was captured by a rival pack. I was made a pet, a slave to a female named Kira." He gave what was almost a reminiscent smile.

"Kira..she was pregnant at the time, and I helped her raise the pups. I felt as though they were mine. When her alpha cast her out of the lands, I followed. Her son Azza was very jealous of anyone claiming her attention. But one day he went and joined his birth father...Kira and I...we fell in love. We became mates...and she became pregnant. With my litter this time." His smile faded, his bi-colored eyes looking at Liam, but distant, focused on the past.

"She wanted to be near her son Azza so we moved back to Odadio's lands....and she had the pups. Liam, Liadain, and Brighid. Brighid was a runt, but she was stubborn. And one day...One day she went hunting. Kira I mean...she went hunting. And Azza...." He looked down, his throat suddenly very tight. "Brighid and Liam were the only survivors. I took them and ran, I just wanted to protect them. But we got caught in the blizzard when we were almost here...there was no shelter. I tried, but Brighid....she died. Sleeping, she just died."

He swallowed, trying to make the tightness go away. After a moment he continued. "There is survivor's guilt...I feel guilty every day that I live and my girls died. Liam is the only thing that keep me going."

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