Jace was a silent deadly hunter. She stalked through the lands with her folded ears high and her sensitive nose low. She had not scented the god damned hated Lucifer anywhere nearby so she had decided it was safe to leave the Phoenix Valley territories to go exploring. She had only seen a small portion of the dampwoods on her travel through it. Damaged and complete folded audits swiveled constantly searching her surrounding for sound of food of foe. She looked to the sky as a sudden explosion of crow calls made her jump but she simply ignored it as carried on her way. Her tan tipped white tail wagged happily in the air behind her, the doggish patchwork looking female was content to simply wander through the woods and occasionally come across some evidence of the human's past.

She thought the humans were fascinating, the things they built and invented while they often smelt bad and looked disgraceful they were, more often than not, completely extraordinary. Up ahead Jace spied a scrawny looking rabbit digging in the snow and searching for sustenance. Her stomach reminded her that she hadn't eaten in a few hours, she dropped to the floor just as the rabbit looked in her direction, the stupid mammal did not realise it was being watched and went back to its diggings. Jace crept closer to the long eared meal when suddenly the rabbit bolted and she charged after it as it zig-zagged away from her.

She chased the rabbit, her wolf and dog heritage demanding that she chased the thing that ran from her. The rabbit did not keep its lead and soon she was catching up to it. The rabbit disappeared under some bushes as she crashed through them into a sort of clearing, she came down hard upon the smaller animal, her paws slamming onto its back and snapping its spine. Her teeth pierced its neck and severed its main arteries and windpipe, it was dead within seconds. She shook it in her jaws for several seconds before noticing that she had suddenly gained company and dropped the rabbit from her jaws,

Jace looked over to the two females whose lives she had so ungraciously barged into,

"Hello... "

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