Creeping slow, it's okay to be afraid.
Deirdre sighed and glanced down upon the slumbering pup. Such sadness and death engulfed the two; she knew their problems were almost the same. She had lost her entire pack, her mate, her family, and her father, but he. He had lost something more, and in her mind, the death of his own children seemed a lot worst then what she had lost. She glanced up at Tailiesin, her eyes studying him.

“I’m sorry,” she said, and that was about all she could say. She was lost from words, her speech- she could not seem to find the right words to fit what she wanted to say. She sighed and lowered her gaze back to Liam. Finally she spoke, “Poor thing…” She said softly, her eyes once more fading away from Liam’s sleeping form to rest upon Tailiesin.

She could feel his pain, his anguish, and now that she rested there his cub between her paws. She yearned to stand from where she laid and nuzzle him in comfort. Pain was a hard thing to live with, but people always found ways to coup. Tailiesin had his son, and she, well she had the hawk.

“Tailiesin…” She tried to say, but her words came short. She did not know how to reply to what he had told her, she did not know what to say and soon she found herself slipping away into silence.

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