[M] No one hears you scream in the darkness

Lucifer was a man with needs, and he had found the victim that would best serve the issues he need to teach her, she had to learn that males where something that needed to be in charge and that they should be thankful if a male even looked at them for anything, no matter what. Paws took him from his pack to the Valley lands, the ones that he felt was just better shutting down and joining in with another pack, the midnight male smiled thinking of how funny it would be if he was the leader of this new, and powerful pack. Lucifer smirked as he sat up in the tree tossing rocks that he had gathering from the bay into the log that he hoped had wild life in it. He snickered when he saw the female he so humorously named as Dot. Waiting till she had her back turned he jumped down from the tree with a smile making a quick move to grab the knife at her side. ”Aww Hello Dot.” He waved the knife at her letting her know that the ground where now on his side.


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