The pup in the town hall
Ayasha got a big grin on her face when Saphrina said that she loved her. She gave the younger pup a lick on the top of head. "I love you too, Saphrina." She nuzzled her gently. She was starting to get tired but wanted to make sure her 'sister' was alright. She rested her head next to Saphrina. She looked up at Ralla.

"Is she gonna be OK?" she asked worriedly. She hoped that the nightmares would go away. She hoped that she had helped drive them away. At Ralla saying that she would look after her, she became hopeful. "Do you really mean that?" She frowned briefly. "What is causing her nightmares? I didn't have 'em when my mommy died." She gave Saphrina another lick.

After a few minutes of struggle, her body won and her eyes started to close. She snuggled against Saphrina and, since Saphrina was in Ralla's arms, Ralla. She murmured goodnight to the two, even if one of the them was asleep, and fell into to a deep, peaceful sleep.

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