teach me to dance

There we go, I'm hoping I set it up so that things can unravel the way we wanted them to. He can either still not fully register that Skoll has the right to throw him out, or maybe he feels threatened and his first instinct is to fight rather than to run. Whatever is good, I'm just throwing ideas out there =P

The warrior-wolf had seen the trespasser from some ways off, having taken up vigil at a high vantage point on the mountain side. He was the protector of the pack, and while he knew that most situations wouldn't warrant violence, it was still his duty to maintain a someone daunting presence on the border. The canine wasn't hurting anyone, and given his movements, he seemed to have crossed into their land by accident. Still, borders existed for a reason, and though there was a gray area between where the pack land ended and neutral territory began--no alpha peed a solid circle around their territory, after all--it was still important that he enforce it.

Descending the mountain hastily, the formidable golden form of the warrior broke through the brush several meters away from the newcomer, though he had made enough noise coming down that it was no surprise when he appeared. He had hoped that the noise alone would be enough to send the intruder on his way, but he was disappointed to find him not having moved from where he'd last seen him. He began to advance. He would be perfectly cordial to outsiders standing outside their border, or even those who had encroached a little into the gray area, but some degree of humility or fearful respect should be shown when a stranger walked fully within a pack's border, and this wolf did not display these emotions.

"You are on claimed lands!" the bronze wolf said, advancing on the smaller canine. "Get out." His voice rang with cold authority. He didn't stop his approach.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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