M - And if I don't belong
Queen Emo looked to Lucifer, her bi-colored eyes more than a little sad. She turned her head, wanting nothing more than to jump up and put her arms around him. She set the bottle down; she shuld have known better. Ever since she came to the Mountain Pack, she felt she was an outsider, and not wanted. She shouldn't have left the Pack of White Supremacy...hell, she shouldn't have left the Place of Lightning and Thunder. She sighed, looked to the male again, her eyes pleading him to just forgive her.

Her eyes moved from him to her journal, where Erik's face stared at her like an accusation. She sighed softly, looking to Lucifer again. The skin over her eeys wrinkled into a frown. Her voice was soft and lost when she spoke. What do you want, lucifer? You've made it clear it's not me. There was no accusation, no anger, no reprimand, only resignation and a deep hurt.

He'd rejected her at the hunt, and the Great Mother's look had only compounded her insecurity. She didn't belong here, did she? Her mate didn't want her, her daughter's grandmother didn't want her here. Made her feel useless. Her eyes strayed to her alcohol, and she wished she could drink herself to insenibility again.

She could feel the words bursting insde of her, aching to come out. She bit them back, but they were too much for her, weakened as her will power was. I just wanted you to love me! I never meant to hurt you, i just couldn't understand why we'd never mated! I needed to feel wanted to feel loved, not just metally but physically too. Her emotions subsided again, leaving her feeling drained, but she wasn't done. Her voice faded into a monotone. I only wanted to know you loved me....

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