we spent every last penny
He could see he'd overwhelmed his brother, and he slowed down his questions. It was like they were pups again, except for what had happened to Noah. And except that he had his own son to care for. He nuzzled his brother affectionately when he nipped his shoulder. His tail wouldn't stop wagging, though, not even when Liam spoke. Tal leaned down and gently cuffed the pup with a paw. "Don't be rude, Liam." The boy looked up at his dad, protesting the punishment.

Don't trust shadows? Liam looked at his uncle confused. But it made sense. Odadio had been a shadow, Azza had been a shadow...and when Mommy talked to the butterflies, they were shadows too. He nodded at his uncle, his blue eyes serious. "Shadows are bad."

Tal looked between the two, then spoke. "This is my son, Liam Rhiannon. He's almost three months old now."

Liam stared at his uncles eyes with fascination. The one moved on it's own. It was interesting to watch.

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