M - you throw stones

Word Count → 3+ :: table © Sie

Her childish greeting hovered in the cold air, staunched by the mist that had expelled from her maw at the thought of forming words, taking breath. The word conjured a creature from the darkness - The pair of eyes, bleeding profusely with some unrecognisable emotion, melting from the shadows to reveal a lanky blackened form. There was something about the potency of those eyes, the ghastly expression that twisted to suit them, that made the loving songbird take a step in retreat.

She was not afraid, not yet. She'd once told a golden-pelted shell that she didn't know what fear was, and it remained a relatively true statement. The fluttering in her stomach had as much to do with recognition of the crimson star that leaped livid in his pelt as it did any remnants of sensible terror. The eggshell blue of her eyes rimmed swollen pupils, that which sucked at the silvery light to try and bring the man more into focus.

He looked ill, and when he spoke, his voice was ill. Sympathy welled in her heart for this poor decrepit creature who was so obviously supposed to be a part of her, a part of her family. She would do the right thing, and save him from the darkness that leeched at his pelt. Ignoring the crooned command, the girl stretched out one hand toward him, a concerned frown marring her otherwise doll-like features. A face that echoed the beauty Kaena might have had in her youth smiled gently at the creature. "Please, you don't look well," Came soothing tones, "Why don't you come back with me? You are one of us - You shouldn't be outside the borders." It never occurred to her that he lingered in the darkness for a reason.

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