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The fae was on her way again, unknowingly having attracted the attention of another traveler. She knew soon enough though, as a figure became clear a good distance before her- his odd attire piquing her curiosity. She was, by no means though, afraid. The russian had seen and fought scarier things than an injured wolf- her scars were proof enough of that. As she drew closer, she continued to act unfazed; almost as if she didn't see him. She stopped though, a good 2 or 3 yards from the male, and looked him up and down- her eyes dull with no visible emotion. The tension of the unknown between the two was almost tangible, and suddenly, Nakita sighed. "You are in way. It is not wise to get in way." she spoke slowly to make her words understandable through her heavy accent, her voice soft as she waited for him to move, her face gaining a look of annoyance. She wasn't used to the idea of just happening across somebody in the newer lands. Back in her home country, if you happened across somebody, they usually were looking for trouble. The male had not fired at her though, and quite frankly, it was the only reason she hadn't attacked. Holding back her fighting instinct was something that was not easy to do, but she could hold it back long enough to find a reason to not become hostile. This wolf was wounded- and despite being confronted with a rather terrifying creature, he had not yet fired. She tilted her head a bit as she finally seemed to register that he really did have a weapon and it was not her just assuming things.

"Why you not shoot? In Russia, that could have been difference of life and death." she said, nodding her head as if reassuring herself that it was, indeed, that way in her home country. With a bit of hesitation, she came a bit closer, leaning her head forward as she sniffed at his scent. It was not that different from her own scent. He, too, was from a northern country. He was also very lucky. Nakita was not usually one for being pleasant- especially to another luperci. Whatever it was that had gotten into her skull, he better hope it stays.

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