
Word Count → -- :: We'll do one more round after this, Bobbi feel free to say Kesho breaks through on your next post.

The panic in Gabriel had faded to a piercing need, demanding speed, demanding him to be calm. It was the presence of others that forced this, for he could not display weakness around them, not as their leader. Talitha was at his side, her small frame and paws working quickly. Samael’s dark daughter was next to arrive, and she too jumped into the fray. Kesho came with reckless abandon, and used a technique that Gabriel had not expected. Had he been thinking clearly, he would have recognized it as a coyote hunting tactic—one he did not use.

China did not join them when she arrived, but instead spoke to Kaena. This was well enough. Gabriel worried she might panic, might do something to cut her air even further. The Aquila continued to dig furiously, finding the snow much deeper than he had originally expected. Kaena’s voice came from inside and her tone made the dark-faced male growl deep in his throat. Did she think this was a game?

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