Counting Down the Hours
OOC: I'm not keeping to ya'lls post lengths D: i'd die
WC: 506 5 points

Jace was actually not that far from the pair of Valleyians making their way towards her. She was investigating the ruins of a destroyed cabin and had been fortunate to come across an old human dress, she pulled the dress to her body, it was a lovely blue color and though Jace would never consent to wearing human clothes as she felt it an insult to her person she could not help but admire the beautiful design upon the woven cloth. Jace often called these slightly insane moments as her female moments, where she would act as most would expect a female to react when presented with nice things or in a situation when a generally female reaction was expected.

But all too soon her rational mind came back and she began tearing the pretty dress up into strips, they could be useful for bandages and splints, fate had an odd way of working, providing her with the tools to be able to help Falgar with his hand and wounds. And it was fate that made her look up from her tearing and see the two black wolves in the distance, at first she did not register their figures but a second later she did a double take and realized the ramifications of what she had seen. Kami carrying Falgar through the snow covered land, the latter who was slowly dripping blood onto the white ground,

"Fucking shit." She felt the words were appropriate for the situation and quickly dropped the strips of dress she had been tearing, she charged through the house, leaping over the banister of the upstairs and landing with bended knees on the ground floor, growling as it made her leg ache sharply. The door was thrown open and Jace came running full pelt out of it, the wolfess managing to reach a fast speed very quickly due to her almost extreme underweight body, the snow made her grip precarious and several times she almost slipped over but the fur growing out from between her pawpads as was the gift to the arctic wolves helped to steady her. Her blood ran cold as Falgar appeared for all manner and purpose to be dead in the arms of her gruff and emotion-phobic friend but then she heard the injured male take a deep breath and the dread circulating her brain eased, if only fractionally

She stumbled to a stop next to him, her leg now burning and grabbed onto Falgar's feet that dangled liflessly, accidentally shoving Kami to hold Falgar's body further up, sharing the weight of his body would get them to their destination faster. They had been through this together before, she and Kami not a few days before with Ookami. Shelter was the main thing,

"Head towards that cabin." Was all she said, nodding her head towards the two story house she had just vacated. She could carry this male herself but to do so could prove more harmful to Falgar than simply getting him out of the cold quickly.

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