M- Go Forth and Die

The order seemed to hit a nerve in the orange Luperci, but he followed her demand without verbal attack. A grunt, a sigh, and he was on the ground. As the russet woman dug through saved portions of meat, a ruse meant to placate her brother during any of his visits, she listened to her friend's questions. Why not live in the mansion? Why the caves? Why, why, why. All anyone ever asked of the princess was why. She scoffed, bringing herself away from the food and to a place beside the German. "I left the manor. It wasn't a good place for me." Her answer was vague, but it made sense to the mind of the russet fae.

Her body slipped to the floor of the den, offering a fresh piece of half-frozen meat to her company. She had brought him there for cleaner food, and it was what she aimed to serve. "Here. Eat." The second question went unanswered for a moment, but finally the princess heaved a sigh and prepared to explain. "The caves are where my family is. Father, grandmother Kaena, Ezekiel. They all live around here. Father lives nearby." Her voice trailed off into nothing, leaving her mind wrapped around her vicinity to her family. She required them for more than just ties to the world. They offered her safety when she couldn't provide her own.


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