[M] No one hears you scream in the darkness
[html]The male saw the paw reach out and grab the snow, gripping it in her hand like she was fighting something, something deep inside of her that she wouldn’t let come out of her. HE laughed, the sick male laughed as he pushed him-self into her with as much strength that he had. He felt like he had something that had built up in him, great amount of feelings that she was going to help fix. The male hand pushed down into her back while the other gripped into her brown mane, wrapping his fingers deep into her soft mane. Lucifer wanted to make sure that she would learn a lesson. Pulling her head up the male licked her cheek, as he trusted his hips in and out of her; her cheek was moist from the tear. Lucifer could only laugh; she actually might be hurting and yet was too strong to admit to it. ”You might want to enjoy this. This will be the last time you feel another male in you. You’re going to just die for what I do next.” Lucifer rode up onto her while he trusted in, pulling her head back as he threw her head down with force. ”Stupid bitch” His hand that had the mane, as his hand tickled down her side finding her tender slit between her legs, his fingers pushed the lips apart as he rubbed the soft button that she had. ”Call out to your master and I just might stop” Key word was might, but really he would not, he loved having this power over her. [/html]

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