A Rose By Any Other Name

Goat block! XD +5

The coywolf felt quite proud of himself for his little trick, which nearly reminded him of his past. That was the last thing the former gypsy wanted to think about, however, for those events led up to where he was now, pinned above his new mate. Toothy grin was kept spread across his face, and though he looked goofy, he knew the female below him was quite familiar with it. It was to be expected, one could say.

What Bangle didn't expect, however, was for the fire haired female to hug him and bring him on top of her. She was lighter, more fragile, but he lost his breath as they pressed together, and for the first time the male felt the heat that came between them. It was nothing that the small, glowing fire in the house emitted, and bright orange eyes flickered down onto the female's face, breathing in her scent deeply. Soft, milk chocolate eyes met his own, and the smile that spread across her own muzzle made his disappear, replaced with confusion. He felt his heart beat in his chest - or maybe it was her own - getting faster and faster. Suddenly he heard the beating in his ears, and felt nothing but fire, and the coywolf closed his eyes, wishing to forever be wrapped in it.

But then he heard it - the bleating. It came like an unwanted call at the wrong moment, piercing through the romantic silence. Bangle's eyes snapped open, and his head came up quickly, sneering at the female goat that was now at the bedside. The moment was ruined, as Skye turned her attention to the animal immediately, pushing their bodies up and away from one another. The merchant's sneer became obvious, now, watching the female give attention to the special goat. When things couldn't get worse, the clip clopping of larger hooves sounded, and the large horse entered the room.

"I thought ya put 'im outside," Bangle said a bit rudely, nodding at the horse, annoyed after a moment had been interrupted by the small barnyard in the house. The dreadlock male didn't wait for a response, however, as he rolled over and got to his feet, away from the bed and into the next room. He needed a moment to recover from the emotions he felt stirring within him, as if stocking a dead fire to suddenly come alive. The coywolf knew how much Skye loved her animals, even the one he gave to her as a gift, but whatever moment the new pair might have shared was now gone like the wind that whipped on the icy windowpanes.

Casually, the male strolled over to the rucksack that he brought with him that same day, opened the main flap, and rummaged through it. Bangle's face brightened up some as he brought out a bottle of wine, that he was lucky to have found, yet unopened, intended for him and Skye to share. "Ah-ha!" He said nearly triumphantly, and to perhaps gain the white female's attention back from within the other room. Holding the neck of the bottle, Bangle's other hand yanked at the cork at the top, hearing the satisfying pop! as it came free.

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