Making progress despite the belly.

Word Count → 400+

Argul was not the first loner she had met, nor even the first loner within Cercatori D'Arte that she had come across. Just a couple weeks ago she met a kind, velvet tongued man by the name of Gael near the bay. He had a beautiful talent for guitar and a smooth wit. She wondered for a moment what had become of him. He had been in search of his family and had probably left Cercatori that same day. She did hope the man fared well through the storm. There were other times she met other wolves nearby, too, so Argul's presence seemed normal.

She felt bad for those who lived alone. Orin so dearly loved pack life that she could not understand why anyone would willingly live alone. Yet the man before her now sounded as though he had no remorse or regret for his lifestyle. Orin and her brother, Niro, had lived alone when they were young. They had each other to rely on and no one else. Now that they had found the safe lands and packs of Nova Scotia it seemed neither of them planned to live a solitary life again.

“Well, Argul,” her voice was merry. “You're welcome to stay a while here if you want to have a short respite from the wild life. As long as you're doing my chores you won't hear me complaining.” She giggled again softly. The man was helping her, the least she could do was offer him a warmer place to stay for a few days if he was going to work it off.

Many might be suspicious of a loner who had wandered into pack territory; Orin was not. Trusting by nature, Orin saw little in this charitable man to be afraid of. And besides that, she had met so many decent wolves wandering near the lands of Cercatori. Gael, Saluce... and in some cases, friends even wandered in, like the day Alaine came for a random visit. This felt just like any of those days.

As Argul picked up the planks Orin scurried to the door and held it open, waving him inside. “If you would just put it on the counter over there... but be careful, one side is still broken from before I moved in, so it might be a little weak. Oh! Mind your feet! I'm not sure I did a very good job sweeping up the broken glass.”

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