Making progress despite the belly.

Word Count → 500+

She followed the man into the bookstore, her eyes scanning the ground in front of his footpaws. If he stepped on a piece of glass and cut himself she would never forgive herself for the poor clean up job she had done! She had known it was inadequate before, but she knew the areas to avoid. Still, with her new family on the way, she should have cleaned it up much better by now. Luckily he seemed to cross the open floor without incident, and she sighed with relief.

“That's okay,” she waved a hand. “I've done most of the work on this place myself and I'm the worst when it comes to carpentry. I got a little experience back in my old pack, Cour des Miracles, when I was trying to fix up a light house to work on. But my brother Niro was around to help me then, and he pretty much followed me around re-fixing everything I thought I'd already fixed.” She sighed and her eyes took on a far-away caste as she remembered the beautiful lighthouse. It was an extraordinary place, up there on the cliff-side of the Shattered Coast and overlooking the great ocean she had ridden in on. In some ways it far surpassed the bookstore that she lived in now, yet she knew she would never trade the bookstore for anything.

“So between the two of us, maybe we'll do a half decent job. I don't really have any good tools, either, but I have to make sure this place is cleaned up and safe.”

Orin shook her head, though her eyes flicked from the newcomer to her belly. She moved across the sales floor and behind the counter where Argul had set the wood, retrieving the broom with intent to sweep up a bit better. “Oh no, you're not intruding one bit. In fact, if anything, you're a big help. Unfortunately, after the storm everyone has been so busy fixing up their own homes that mine has gone by the wayside. I was staying over at the medic's place for a while so I don't think this place was a high concern for repair, although Shawchert did come fix up the broken shutters. Still needs a few things done to it, and I'd like to have my bedroom upstairs all fixed up before... well, before it suddenly gets a little more crowded. Hard to do it all on my own.”

She smiled and moved toward the open floor. “Of course,” she flashed an apologetic look. “I can pay you back for any help with shelter and some food... but I will have to ask you to leave before they arrive.” Her hand fell to her stomach, indicating the precious lives that were to begin in a few short days. “It's going to be less than a week. No offense meant, but I'm sure you can understand...”

No mother wolf, not even trusting Orin, would allow a new acquaintance around her delicate newborn pups, and she wanted to make sure now that the man knew that she would ask him to leave at the first sign of their coming. Still, a few days of work and trade should likely be worth it, right? And after she and her pups were healthy and doing well, she would be happy to have her new friend visit. “I could always talk to the pack and see if we can work something else out if you need a few more days.”

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