Making progress despite the belly.
He glanced at the chair and sat down. Clearly angry with himself, his face was nowhere near the pleasant look it had before. The pain wasn’t nearly as bad as one may seem, especially with the amount of blood that decided to leak from his body. This only heightened the anger with himself. Now he was bleeding all over. He grimaced and scrunched his face as the anger welled up and he knew what he was about to do, he was readying for the pain. Claws first he dug two fingers right in and yanked the piece of glass out. His other hand quickly covered the opening in his flesh which gave out more blood.

He looked up at her, his face switching to a sad look. Look what I have done, he said to himself. He saw her apologizing for his lack of concentration and ability to observe where he walked. Then she was beginning to wind herself over helping him. Even more angry with himself now, but in a different way; he was causing the female to worry and labor at his stupidity. He was thoroughly embarrassed, too, although she may not have the same though his mind went there. A wilderness wolf should be observant of his surroundings and he stepped on a stupid piece of glass. He all of a sudden felt like he wanted to leave, but he could not. He promised to help and he meant to.

“Please, do not worry. It’s nothing fatal.” He attempted a joke. The amount of blood was surprising for such a small piece of glass. “Relax; do not worry yourself on me. I will be fine.”

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