Making progress despite the belly.

Word Count → 300

Her eyes were on the wound as her delicate fingers slipped through the dark, silvery fur and took firm hold. She tried to reposition him so she could get the best vantage point on the wound, but he felt stiff and seemed a bit uncooperative. Her eyes narrowed in concentration and she slipped the first bandage around his foot. She pulled it tight but didn't secure the knot. It needed a lot of pressure before it would stop bleeding and a simple knot would not be enough, so she slipped her hand around the wound, over the bandage, and squeezed her fingers tight to try to cut off the bleeding so a clot could form. Only then did she lift her gaze and look upon Argul's shocked expression.

Her honey-colored eyes went wide, her jaw dropped and she gasped. If she didn't know any better she would have thought the man was choking. She knew in that instant that she was not just imagining his tension. “Argul, what's wrong!” She worried. “Am I hurting you?” Of course the pressure would hurt, but was it that bad? She didn't know what to do, and suddenly doubt and fear welled within her and caused her to abruptly let go of the bandage. Maybe he needed to do it himself. Maybe she was putting too much pressure on it or there was still glass inside.

“Are you okay? I'm sorry! Here,” she scooted back and picked up one of the bandages, holding it up to him. His expression was so strange, she could not puzzle what was wrong, so instead she averted her eyes, turning her gaze back to the bandage that now draped limply over the foot and was doing no good at all. The bleeding had started again.

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