[M]-Putting Out the Fire with Gasoline
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Nuki seemed to jerk slightly herself with each of Savina's movements as the hellion watched the Consul closely, ready for her next lunge forward. She knew to watch her adversary well and tried to eyeball Savina for a tell tale twitch that forewarned an attack. Unfortunately, Savina was crafty and stayed relatively animated, so Nuki was not sure which of her movements would purport the next onslaught.

“No one?” She snorted a laugh, taunting Savina and expressing the sick pleasure she got over torturing Savina's family. “Well I did, and you did nothing to stop it!” Savina came at her then, and she ducked to slip aside but she had not guessed the attack soon enough and did not slip away from Savina's teeth fast enough. The woman's fangs caught left arm and she was jerked with the force of the lunge, though the wound was superficial unless Savina could tighten her hold.

Growling in pain and anger, Nuki's free hand jerked to her belt and she retrieved the knife. She raised the weapon high and brought it down in a swift arc, hoping to slice a gash in Savina and make the woman lose her hold on her flesh.

So, she had discovered Nuki's involvement with Denali. Well, she might be able to use this to her advantage. “What did I do to Denali? What did you do to Denali? To make the boy run away in pain and fear! I was the boy's friend. I took care of him when you did not. He came crying to me and I made him safe...” She hoped the vagaries, the suggestions in her words would be enough to mislead Savina and make her second guess herself. Though Savina was no fool and it was likely that she could not be duped for long.


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