I'm scared of what's behind and what's before


Nayati had not been with the party of AniWayans who had initially scouted out and then claimed the land that the tribe now called its own, so he could not say why they had chosen it and not some other location. He had a hunch though that it was the absence of human structures that had been one of the positive aspects in deciding to settle where they had. Not everyone in the tribe was as averse to the human remnants as he himself was, but they were a people built on tradition and the way they built their villages went along with that. He did not know how it was for other groups and packs, simply how it was for his own. Though he did remember Anu saying that her pack also lived in a large human made house.

"Neither am I. I can repair things, if they are simple enough, but that is the extent of my skills. I will definitely require help to rebuild my hut." Though he wasn't sure who exactly would or could help him. He should probably begin to inquire about that. When Krystalle asked if he read, the Utina shook his head. "I do not know how. AniWaya passes its stories and history down through telling." If you wanted to learn something knew, you asked to be taught it, and if you had a story to tell, you told it. That was the way things had always worked for him, and he was a creature of habit.

As he pointed out the chest, Krystalle came over and looked it over herself. She said it was possible there might be blankets in there, and if there were it stood to reason they might be in better shape than those laying out in the open. Bravely Nayati moved forward and carefully opened the chest, though he gave off the distinct impression that he was ready to jump back if something unpleasant were hiding inside. To his relief though, there were blankets inside. Quite a few, actually. "Look! There are blankets!" he said with a grin, looking back to Krystalle.

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