a magician and a heritic

Crimson eyes watched his movements as he worked to start a fire, following the pull of muscle beneath golden fur. For a moment, her chest ached, but it passed as she focused elsewhere. The den itself became a target to her opinion, and she wondered why Ezekiel had chosen that particular den. She knew why she had picked out her own; the close proximity to Gabriel's created a safe haven from her miserable thoughts. The golden prince was nothing like the russet princess, however, and her mind couldn't begin to assume his train of thought in choice.

God. Ezekiel believed that God had a plan set for his future, but his sister wasn't so sure. A dainty claw drew in the dirt on the floor of his home, eyes cast down. "What if God doesn't have a plan? What if He expects you to make your own?" she asked, voice innocent and absent of the distress that passed through her eyes. Her own belief was still steadfast, but manifested in a different way. She doubted their God had any plans for her.

Her twin tossed some unrecognized plants onto the meat before standing the stick near the fire to 'cook', and his sister pulled herself closer to the warmth of the fire. Her hair fell over her shoulders, brushing the dusted ground and obscuring her vision as she watched the flames. "I don't think there's much for me here. Inferni is all I have, and that seems to be failing. That leaves me with you; you'll still love me if father stops, won't you?" Though her voice carried the seductive coating that often accompanied her speech, the words each clung to inner anguish that Ezekiel might leave her with nothing. Without Inferni, and without her brother, she was truly alone in the world.


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