Feeling Good
Mizu was on the move once more. She had her shoulder bag tight around her, not wanting her two books or the jar to fall out. She sniffed the air, she could smell rain. It would come soon but not too soon. Maybe an hour.. She piled up her speed as she broke into a lope. Her feet lifted off the ground easily as her silky coat wafted in the gentle breeze. She looked at the ground, there was still some snow but she could tell that most of it would be gone soon.

Mizu Kuin thought about the past.. She remembered learning many languages. Now she could speak four. She smiled, Aki had learned them from her mother and Aki taught her. She was so caught up in the thoughts of her past that she didn't notice when she crosse the borders of a pack. She remained at a lope and wasn't fully aware that she was in packlands until she smelt a strong smell of multiple wolves coming from the area around her. She gasped, Oops! She had lost track of where she was so she couldn't just turn around and leave.

Mizu continued forward until she spotted a male before her. He was tending to a fire and she smiled at him, giving a small dip of her head and a bow she spoke kindly, Merhaba! Mizu didn't notice what language she was speaking until she had finished her greeting, she couldn't just switch languages, she would look stupid. "Benim adım Mizu. Senin adın ne?" It dawned on her that she had no idea where she was, "Neredeyim ben?"

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