I've been gone for far to long.

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Itzal started to shake when he saw her, whincing in pain when he heard her voice. He was shaking to hard, he couldn't think. He fell to his knees and looked at her. He was drowning in the pain and anger. Not at her, anger at himself, at what he had done. He had hurt her, but that had been why he had left, to keep her from getting hurt. No matter what he did, he failed. He looked at her, at her words, and winced, letting out a hollow, fake laugh. He shook his head. " 'Soul searching'? No, if that was it, I would have been here, where my soul is..where you are." He whinced, feeling the pain of how much he was putting himself out there. He did not blame her for hating him, she probably didn't feel anything for him anymore, other then hatred. She probably no longer loved him, and he would take that. He would take it, and he would hold in all of his screams, just as long as she moved on and did not always look this way. "I did not leave because I had any doubts, or had to find something. I left to keep you safe. I left because it wasn't safe for me to be around you. Because..." He looked up at her, and he was about to confess something that he was so ashamed of and that felt to him like a weakness, one that would make her hate him even more. "I lost control. Facing Kesho, it wasn't me in control, not completely control, and I couldn't get control back all the way, so I had to run, I had to leave, because I was a danger to you. The last person I loved, I lost control and killed them, I thought they were a hallucination, but it wasn't me that was in control, and I couldn't risk that I...I might do something to hurt you. So I stayed away for a month to gain control, cause I promised to never hurt you, so I had to stay away so I wouldn't risk it. But me being away hurt you, so I failed, I broke my promise. And all I can say now is I'm sorry..." He looked down and tried to control his shaking. He had said all he could, he would not force anything on her at all.

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