Dare to walk the line

Jasper had already been expecting odd reactions to the fact that he was building a house in a tree, especially after everything that Corona had explained to him about the place. It would've been easier to just go and claim one of the empty houses in the city but, for whatever odd reason, he felt the need to try and salvage whatever part of his family that he could, even if it was just knowing that he lived in the same pack as they did. "I noticed them." He said calmly, dropping another large scoop of sand into the wagon and then brushing his hands together to loosen what had gathered. "That's why I stopped here, it's a pain to get this thing through the sand or else I would've gone farther up." He really didn't think it would make a difference, especially from what his sister had told him. "Corona already said this place isn't friendly sometimes, so I'll move on if I'm being bothersome." The last thing that Jasper wanted was to start trouble.


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