To mend a broken soul
Mizu smiled at her words, "Nice to meet you Faryn" When she had closed the book and looked up Faryn seemed timid and nervouss. Mizu hoped that she hadn't upset her in some way. She managed to get out some words and Mizu thought for a moment. "Well, I do not know exactly where I am from... but it is somewhere about seven or eight months travel from these lands. What about you?" Her words were flowing easier now and she felt more relaxed. She could tell that Faryn was yet to feel relaxed and hoped that with the continuation of their conversation Faryn would feel more open and relaxed around Mizu.

The breeze that came ruffled Mizu's blue trimmed scruff and she grinned and closed her eyes for a minute, she looked into the wind and sniffed the air. She could smell a hint of rain on the air but it wouldn't arrive for quite a while. She gave a quick nod of her head to herself, hoping she didn't look weird. She gave a little giggle at her actions as she looked back to the female before her. She waited to hear a story from her. She felt kind of strange for not knowing what the name of the place she was from was called.. So far everyone she had met knew the place they came from. All she knew was it was far from here, her mom never bothered to tell her the name of the country. Her sister would have told her though if she knew so no one probably knew in her pack.. The thought of her sister brought tears to her eyes and she took a deep breath, blinking them away, however one escaped and ran down her cheek. She wiped it away and with a sniffle she smiled.

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