Living Dolls


OOC: Yes it's fine I don't mind. Thats exactly how she would react anyways. But in the begining she is in Lupus form but then shifts to Optime when she notices your wolf.

Silyva had become so damn frustrated with her creature. Of corses the mini beast could handle herself a little bit but when it came to larger things than herself she always had some issues. Why can't Rina just listen to me?
By this time she was about to go into a rage. I take care of the little bastered. I feed it, love it, brush it, water it and she does THIS to me! Snorting in disgust. Rina must be really intrested in something to go such a long way She wondered, lifting her head from the ground. Thats when it hit her. The smell of blood. Thank the Goddess it wasn't her beloved creature blood but It was another wolves.

No longer needing to keep her nose to the dirty and grungy ground she took off towards the sound. She rushed towards the sent, only coming to a slow when she sees the other. A male. Slowly, she decided if this wolf has eaten her pet then she must kill be monster. Shifting was becoming quite easy, listening to bones crack and her furr streach. All seemed relaxing even though pain always came with it. Little needle like feelings jabbing into her skin, the feeling of something ripping her inside. The whole time the process was happening he was speaking. Catching bit and pices her and there she mostly shut him out. Gahh, how she was gonna kill her pet if it wasn't already dead.

Fully in Optime form, she continued to walk towards the male. "Hello male. I don't need your help. And I wasn't alone Mister Undertaker untill someone decided to catch my pets attention.." She paused to suck in some much needed air. "Where is my Rina? My Marten creature. I tell you know if you had made her your snack I will still get my pet. Even if that involves me trearing into your insides to find her.." Oh Goddess would that be fun.. Searching around her caught something out of the edge of her keen eyes. The sattle bag on his horse seemed to be wiggling. "Rina.." She lifted her top lip to him in a snarl. Still walking towards the creature. "If you could, remove my creatue from your saddle bag... Now."

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