a color fade out

He was pleased to see the stranger continue to approach him, his smile widening by a fraction. His adventurous nature brought him many places, and as a consequence most of his travels were spent in the quietude of his own thoughts. Being the social butterfly that he was, he enjoyed finding the opportunity to pass the time with new and old faces alike. The unexpected company was welcome, even if it were only to be for a short while.

The woman finally spoke as she fell into place beside him, and his ears flicked with interest at her words. It appeared that she had an accent of her own that was uncommon in this region, and her use of the word Si provided further evidence for the possibility of her multilingual status. It was different from his own Italian lilt, but there was a familiar ring to it, faintly reminding him of his days in Santander. There was a subtle difference, but not enough for him to dismiss the similarities outright.

She spoke yet again, calling the snow-burdened structure "nice." He nodded and hmm'd his agreement. Nice was one way to put it. Intriguing, inspiring, that was how the Marino saw it, though he supposed those who lacked the eye and love for carpentry that he had would not see it the same way. Amber eyes watched in silence as the woman shifted slightly, hesitantly admitting that she had not come here to see the buildings. Ehno raised a brow, hardly surprised, yet curious as to what her true motivations could be. "Oh? Then what did you come for, cara mia?"


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