there in your dreams
She'd been moving through the woods for some time, trying to retrace her steps to the stream where Laruku had been sleeping when she'd first found him. She didn't believe that he'd still be there on the same bank, but she thought with some luck she'd be able to find him after picking up the trail of his scent. She stopped for a moment, growing frustrated at the fast fading light in the forest. It was a bit funny since the territory she tended to reside in was almost built the same as these woods, just along the far edge of the beach. She shook her head and smiled to herself, she knew she was growing impatient when there was no real reason for it.

The silver and gold female hadn't realized she'd been standing there for so long, but when she finally did pull herself out of her thoughts she caught the scent of smoke. It was not the natural scent of wood burning, but the scent of a cigarette, strong and sharp. She paused again and looked out into the dim light. She couldn't recall anyone she knew who smoked except Faolin's mate. She felt the hair along her neck raise as she called out, Gabriel?.. her voice was uncertain and she couldn't figure out what in the world he'd be doing so far from his clan. His mate had just given birth to pups not too long ago, she didn't view him as the kind to let them far from his sight.

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