Tangerine trees & Marmalade skies

3+ Some PP to move things along. I can change it if you'd like.

Despite the difference in age between the Lykoi and aging Maisha, Talitha's stress was abolished in his presence. A drinking partner, and now a confidant of sorts, she listened and watched and studied each movement and word. When the bottle ran empty, new possibilities started to form. Kesho wasn't so old that he was unattractive, and the maturing Lykoi had never turned down a chance to spend time with a male after drinking. She knew she had more somewhere in her room, and offered the option to her new friend, who paused before giving a nod of agreement. Her crimson gaze followed as he rose from his place on the porch, balance failing him for just a moment. She let out a melodious laugh, reaching her hand toward him to offer a more stable platform.

Her mind wrapped around how difficult it would be to seduce the older coyote, moving into the manor with careful and drunken steps. It hadn't dawned on her that their destination was up a set of stairs. From the display of poor balance Kesho had showed only moments before, she was unsure of his capabilities in performing such a feat. Still, they needed to get there. She lead the way, through rooms and to the eastern staircase where she started the ascension of the steps. It wasn't far from there before she found the bedroom; immediately, she went to the nightstand, falling to her knees to search under the bed. That was where she kept her liquor, hidden from others in the manor.

Russet fingers found a cold blue bottle, filled with something clear that made her nose burn. "Here. I found some more," she offered, standing and dusting her knees off with one hand. She sat on the worn-out mattress, twisting the top from the azure glass. The first sip was offered to the male, her ruby eyes watching with unrestrained emotion that bordered on want.

table by silver; image by marilynjane@flickr

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