My Little Lolita

I LOVE THIS PLOTTTTTTTT that is all. Just for the record, Maggie hasn’t shifted before ^^;

Magnolia had grown up. She had shed both her baby looks and baby attitude. Day after day of brooding, hating her family and missing her mother, Magnolia Monroe was finally at her wits end. She avoided Niro like a plague. Every moment spent with her father was torturous. It would be correct to call her a rebellious teenager. Maggie almost forgot what a empty-headed little girl she used to be. The new Magnolia wore a constant scowl on her face and rarely made eye contact with anyone. She found herself roaming farther and farther each day away from Niro and the godforsaken home she shared with him.

She regularly left the packlands on her excursions. She didn’t give a shit about how her father felt. There was no denying that Maggie was a stubborn little girl. Deep down somewhere she knew that her family’s decision to leave was not caused by him. When Lolita left, she was another being entirely; she was entranced by her mirror image father, absolutely mesmerized. Back then he was a rare occurrence that brought about smiles and playtime. Shortly after Lolita’s disappearance she realized how stupid she had been staying here. There was nothing left for her here now. She wasn’t even sure why she hadn’t left yet. Something was keeping her here, but it was something she couldn’t put her finger on.

She was out too late again. The rain irritated the spoiled girl, a cherry on the top of another shit day. She stood on a trail outside of Halifax that she had discovered some nights ago and wanted to investigate further. She walked aimlessly, ignoring the chilly water collecting on her wispy coat. The Princess kept walking, until an object in the distance caught her attention. It was some sort of wooden structure that a horse was pulling. Maggie couldn’t tell if there was someone out there, until the wind picked up and brought an unfamiliar scent to her jet black nose. Intrigued, Magnolia picked up the pace. A male was there, tending to the horse. The teenager smiled to herself before making her way over until she was about ten feet from the stranger. “What are you doing?” she asked innocently, barely audible over the sound of the rain.

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Table by fae! <3

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