only take what you can carry

Okay, we are still waiting on Viking and Larkspur. They are free to jump in at anytime! Also, could you PM me your characters catch so I can add it to the website?

The foggy morning was perfect for this work, even if the males out in the freezing cold were growing numb with the temperature. The animals would be lost, heading for the mountains and for the shelter of the caves that Anathema had inhabited. With thick ropes strapped around his body Theodore was ready to take home a few animals today. He didnt know where any of his other team were but he was sure they were out there waiting. Teddy wasnt too certain on the new dog hybred Naniko had allowed in the pack, but he would tolerate the man as long as he wasnt rude to him. That was the line Teddy had set- rudeness and disrespect were not to be tolerated. Still, he knew Liev was out in the fog, and Viking might have joined them too. Larkspur had mentioned that he might come along if his children were safe. It was understandable and Theodore had respect for the older black man.

Thoughts of his team were pushed from his mind as the nervous snort of horses caught his attention. They werent running as he thought they might, but they were definitely stressed. The snorts and trusses of their hooves against the frozen ground were frequent and fast- they didnt like being in the dip of the hills anymore than the next prey animal. This was his chance to act. He moved like lightening in the snow, cutting quickly through the compact powder and making a wide loop around the herd. He could see five or six beasts in total and he fully intended to catch all of them. He would need to be swift about it though and he knew they would not give in without a fight. Still, luck was on his side. One of the beasts had an injured leg- he would go for that first. Another was a foal and stuck close to its mothers side- they would be second and third. The last three appeared to be stronger but the freezing temperatures were taking its toll on all of their bodies. Not quite as quick to react when the first lasso hooped through the air and landed skillfully over the injured horses head.

Teddy pulled the lasso tight, cutting off the horses sharp whiny of warning. The rest of the herd remained oblivious as Teddy's immense strength held the animal in place. Very carefully he dragged it out of sight and into the bushes. Like a panther stealing its prey from the back, the horse had disappeared from its herd. It attempted to squeal and Teddy tightened the noose around its neck. It stayed quiet and the young Rakeeb swiftly tethered it to a tree. It fought but the young warrior was happy in the knowledge that it would be safe. It was time for the mother and baby and Teddy was a little more aprehensive as he moved back into the open. The fog clouded his appearance and for a moment he just looked like a shadow. The mare reared and kicked, her baby moving closer to her side. It had set off the other animals and they bolted. Cursing he lunged forward, constrictor like arms wrapping around the foal and lifting it in the air. It struggled and kicked but the man held it steady. The mare, terrified for her child, moved forward in defense. A swift punch to the face subdued her and Teddy awkwardly slipped a hoop over her neck. With her foal to hostage he led the stunned mare back behind the bushes once more.

He had to move very quickly if he wanted to get the other three horses back. They might be far away by now, but their loyatly to the mare and foal might have stopped them from getting too far away. He had two ropes left for three horses. An connundrum indeed. The strong warrior took off, powerful limbs carrying him with great speed. His nose took him in the direction of the three horses- two females and a leading male. Perhaps if he caught the male the two females would follow him. He wasnt sure, but he was tempted to try it anyway. Blue eyes caught the flash of dappled grey that he had seen earlier and the young man stealthed forward. It might just be this easy. Of course, he hadnt counted on the foal catching his arm and as the man drew back his arm to throw the lasso his tendons and muscled screeched in pain. Sneaky animal. Gritting his teeth Teddy ignored the gash in his arm and loosed the rope. The stallion's head reared back and he almost ripped the rope from the warriors hand. Catching it just in time he pulled the horse down into submission. As he suspected the mares stood and watched, trying to stay close to their lead male. Half dragging half coercing the stallion to come back to the small holding area he had secured, Teddy was triumphant as he roped all six horses together. He would certainly celebrate tonight.

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