The clock’s tickin’, I just count the hours [p]

Hi my name is Meghann and I forget to add threads to my post log because I am a failure but I am loved? Big Grin And I am against punctuation in ooc notes! HA! Take that, society! 300+ words.

With the storm that had ravaged the pack's territory, and surely that of all the packs in the surrounding area, Vigilante was on high-alert andh ad not been sleeping nearly as much as he should have been. Though it was reassuring that they had found and rescued Amaranth, Niro, and Magnolia from their seaside cave, the caramel King was fretting greatly about Kambujiya's unexplained absence. The King had not seen his adopted son in over two weeks now, and it worried him to the point that he was out looking each day. However, it was a predicament he found himself in, indeed. He could not spend all day looking for Kam every day, because he needed to stay close to his pack members to aid them in this difficult time, but he loathed that he was not out looking for Kam every moment of his waking hours.

It had been difficult for him to get any sleep and he had taken to roaming the upper floors of the hotel, though it was not somewhere he had explored often. Certainly he knew the basic layout, but having never actually lived in the hotel, Vigilante did not spend much time on the upper floors. He often lay on the bed, looking out the window and contemplating the snow storm and what would happen to the pack now. The room he had taken to spending time in for quiet and a place to rest and worry without fearing that he would be inducing fear in his pack members was silent now, but he looked up as a voice permeated the air, turning his great head towards the door and seeing Ezra there. "Hello, Ezra," he replied. He did not know very much about how his adopted daughter and her mate were handling the storm, but he hoped that Ever and Ezra were both well.


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