[M] - Silence of a Soul

Yesh, sorry this was so delayed Sad


What luck! Jaden had spent less than a day in this new land and he now knew the exact location of his target. It would be simple to just deal with the wolf and be off, but the assassin knew what a valuable asset information was. It would be wise for him not to go only on the word of one stranger, no matter how kind hearted and trust worthy he seemed. The land should be ridden with more people who know of Vigilante if the first person Jaden met knew his whereabouts.

Conor was respectable; A kind individual and an undoubtedly great leader. Like Jaden, he knew what it felt like to have people aspire to be like you, to follow your word and trust your judgment. But their situations were so dissimilar. Here, Conor was successful, or so he seemed to be. He certainly did not have murderous assassins trying to take his life. Jaden had not spent a single day in his promised position before being ousted from the pack and labeled a murderer. He had not even reached Alpha before distrust and jealousy tore away any dream he had of leadership. Perhaps such an atrocity could have been avoided. If the Alaskan had earlier developed a mentality of neutrality and compassion, he may have been able to keep control of Uva Atka and inspire enough love in his brother to not plot against him. Such kindness would have also meant the death of him though. Uva Atka would not have stood for it and he would have been killed before they let him show mercy to some doomed creature. So maybe Jaden was never meant to be a leader. Maybe he was meant to come to this land and change his life. Thoughts of this would swirl around Jaden’s mind during the next month or so. The only thing keeping him from giving up the hunt would be the rage at the death of his mate. The feelings he hid from and kept veiled in a shroud of anger and determination to murder.

Until he came to face his emotions, the injured Optime would keep his one track mindset. “You are again so very helpful Conor. Thank you and with that, I must go. If I still have a traveling to do, I’d like to get as far as I can before nightfall.”

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