a kiss for sleeping beauty

After a bout of staring, the blonde wolfdog seemed to relax physical, though she continued to stutter. The Latin mutt listened as she explained. She simply wasn't good at meeting new people. It was understandable; Krystalle had always been a social butterfly, but she knew others who couldn't interact with strangers. Her sister, Miela, was one of them. Instead of speaking to strangers, she would get sick. At least the younger Faryn hadn't fallen ill just yet. Of course, there was always time.

The Californian Sepherd-mix continued to jot down words about the slaying of the ferocious dragon and the Prince's ascent into the cursed castle as the young girl started to approach, closing the distance between them. A smile erupted over the creamy muzzle of the author as she asked what she was writing about. It was the perfect person to pitch the story to, being someone who seemed so close to puppyhood herself. She cleared her throat, blowing some remaining charcoal from the page as she geared up to explain.

"It's something my father used to tell us when me and my sisters were little. Miela loved it," she started, tucking her bangs back. "It's about this beautiful princess who's cursed at birth by a wicked fairy. The king and queen send her away to live with a trio of guardian fairies with the hopes that it will keep her safe. When she reaches adulthood, she returns to her home at the castle, only to fulfill the evil fairy's prophecy. She pricks her finger on a spindle, like to make fabric? The spindle makes her fall into a deep sleep until a prince comes to give her a kiss and wake her up." It was a long story, but she knew others might enjoy it. Her fingers, stained a grey from her writing utensil, twirled the length of charcoal about before settling down to write more.


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